
Dear Mikiko San,

I am doing very well and I hope that you are also taking good care of your self!

I will email you very soon the names of the children and the report of last one year to share with your supporters.

I agree with you, I am also sad that this year we both didn’t get enough time to sit and talk about our projects. I always enjoy telling you the details of the children / girls project as you take so much interest in our work and bring consistent support. Next year I wish you come for more time and meet with all of us.

I wanted to share with you a new development of our organisation. I am sure you would like it. In July month we have started a night shelter for kindergarten children at Kamathipura center. Right now we have taken 10 children in it and very soon will take 10 more. It is very challenging to keep so young children with us.

It is so nice to know that your daughter Yayoi has become a science teacher of a junior high school. I believe that teaching is very noble profession. It is so pleasant to know that you are enjoying with not one but two grand children now. I still remember your son was so shy when I visited you. My memories to Amakusa still very fresh. I found Amakusa very beautiful – calm and green. We have very – very less rain this year in Mumbai and becoming very hot. My health is perfectly alright now and doctors have declared that I am cancer free now.

I wanted to share a good news with you; I am getting an award called “Jewel of India Award” and a “Certificate of Excellence Work”.on 12th August by Indian Solidarity Council for working with women in prostitution and preventing inter generation cycle of prostitution.

With all warm wishes and regards,






7月にカマシプラ センターで幼稚園の子供たちの夜間保育を始めました。現在のところ10人の子供を預かっており、まもなくあともう10人やってきます。小さな子供たちを預かるのは大変なことです。


 あなたにも喜んでもらいたいいいニュースがあります。この度、“Jewel of India Award (インドの宝石賞)”それから“優良事業証”を8月12日に授与されました。これはインド連帯協議会からのもので協議会は売春と世代間における売春の悪循環を防ぐためのものです。



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